
Frequently Asked Questions

What is HVAC?
How often should I change my air filter?
What size HVAC system do I need?
How can I improve the energy efficiency of my HVAC system?
What should I do if my HVAC system breaks down?
What is the lifespan of an HVAC system?

HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. It is a system that provides indoor comfort by regulating temperature, humidity, and air quality.

The system consists of various components such as air conditioners, heaters, fans, ducts, filters, and thermostats. These components work together to maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.

How often should I change my air filter?

It is recommended to change your air filter every 1-3 months depending on usage and the type of filter you have. A dirty filter can reduce airflow, decrease efficiency, and even cause damage to your HVAC system.

If you have pets or allergies, it may be necessary to change your filter more frequently to maintain good indoor air quality.

What size HVAC system do I need?

The size of your HVAC system depends on several factors such as the size of your home, the climate in your area, and your energy efficiency goals.

A professional HVAC technician can perform a load calculation to determine the appropriate size for your home. Installing a system that is too small or too large can result in inefficient operation, poor indoor air quality, and increased energy costs.

How can I improve the energy efficiency of my HVAC system?

There are several ways to improve the energy efficiency of your HVAC system such as upgrading to a programmable thermostat, sealing air leaks, and properly maintaining your system.

Regular maintenance such as cleaning coils, changing filters, and checking refrigerant levels can also improve efficiency and extend the lifespan of your system.

What should I do if my HVAC system breaks down?

If your HVAC system breaks down, the first step is to check your thermostat and circuit breaker to ensure they are functioning properly.

If these are not the issue, it is best to contact a professional HVAC technician who can diagnose and repair the problem. Attempting DIY repairs can be dangerous and may cause further damage to your system.

What is the lifespan of an HVAC system?

The lifespan of an HVAC system varies depending on the type of system and how well it is maintained. On average, a well-maintained system can last between 10-15 years.

Regular maintenance such as cleaning coils, changing filters, and checking refrigerant levels can help extend the lifespan of your system. It is important to replace your system when it begins to show signs of wear and tear to avoid costly repairs and increased energy costs.